Murderous Bigotry at the Speed of Light #Secularism #Solidarity

Wow. How fucking bloody awful can things get.

Within minutes of Sadiq Khan’s election as London Major, 5000 miles away Pakistan’s ruling party give this shamelessly anti-semitic reaction.

Within minutes of Sadiq Khan’s election as London Major, 5000 miles away Pakistani blogger Khurran Zaki posts a positively thoughtful piece congratulating Khan and extolling secularity – and within hours he’s shot dead. RIP Zaki.

For a balanced UK Secular Muslim reaction see Maajid Nawaz excellent piece. He could have written it during the campiagn and added to the fuel for bigots, or settle his own score, but he didn’t. It needs to be read now. We need to act now.

“Nuance is the Friend of Truth”
#Secularism #Solidarity

Easy to see why Maajid often annoys others with his apparent self-appointed importance
– eg in this tweet ….

…. but read the actual facts and apply charity to Maajid’s motives and understanding.


[Post Note: This was good response to Maajid’s piece. No visible reaction from Khan yet?]

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