What a Glorious Day

… here in Perth … I only mention the weather, ‘cos we’ve had a lot of it recently.

Since last Sunday we’ve had stormy weather (ripping up trees and washing away railway ballast kinda stormy weather) and about one quarter of the local annual rainfall, which means we’ve had about half of it since that 43C day at the end of March.

Yesterday evening we had a most spectacular storm – I first noticed the dark ominous clouds moving in opposite directions about 4pm – circulating around the eye of an impending storm. By sunset, out over the Indian Ocean, it was thoroughly formed with lightning and rain sheeting down 5 or so miles out over the ocean around Rottnest island. Dozens, hundreds (?) of people standing watching along the city-beach and Cottesloe – taking advantage of the photogenic storm-with-waterspout-at-sunset opportunity.

By 6:30 it was clear this was just one of several drifting in from the west and the torrential rain was set in for hours … but today … glorious.

I expect I’ll get to go sit and read on the beach later (Quixote), once the chores are out of the way. (Oops spoke to soon – here comes the rain again – closing in again this evening, from inland this time.)

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