Objective Rationality vs Intuitive Knowledge (again) @alomshaha @nfanget

Alom Shaha @alomshaha tweeted – Claude Lévi-Strauss wrote “Le Scientifique n’est pas une personne qui donne les bonnes réponses, mais celui qui pose les bonnes questions.”

Nicolas Fanget @nfanget tweeted translation as “Scientists aren’t people who give the right answers, but ask the right questions.”

Reminded me of Einstein / Nietzsche / MacGilchrist / MacIntyre – We are worshiping the slave / servant / emissary (objective rationality) but have forgotten the master, (the gift of intuitive knowledge). Science is about the rational process of testing and checking (asking questions about) what we know, but not primarily what we know.

Linking coincidentally – but nicely – to the dots joined-up the immediate preceding post.

2 thoughts on “Objective Rationality vs Intuitive Knowledge (again) @alomshaha @nfanget”

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