Conceptual Structures at Work

This 12th International Conference at the Huntsville University, Alabama has an interesting range of subjects, and a Peircean theme based in the HUA Computer Sciences department. eg This year’s invited speakers will be
Jeff Heflin, USA (the semantic web)
John Sowa, USA (conceptual graphs)
Rudolf Wille, Germany (formal concept analysis and concept graphs)
Frithjof Dau, Germany (existential graphs)
Kelly Parker, USA (American pragmatism)
Terrence Deacon, USA (biological anthropology and linguistics)

Note John Sowa in there. Interesting person whose path has crossed with my interests several times – SUO & KIF for example. Didn’t notice he was a graduate of VUB, where Heylighen and Joslyn are based. I notice Cliff Joslyn is also speaking at this event.

John Sowa’s book on “Knowledge Representation” looks comprehensive, but expensive. His paper on Architectures for Intelligent Systems is an interesting read in my current day-job context. The notation sparked a memory of Garth Kemmerling’s summary of the syllogisms.

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