Reading Catch-Up

After finishing and blogging posts about Hilary Lawson’s “Closure” and Jared Diamond’s “Collapse”, I realized I’d read a few other books recently that I hadn’t mentioned yet.

After reading and enjoying the Booker-of-Bookers, Salman Rushdie’s “Midnight’s Children” a few years ago, I also tried but struggled with his “Haroun and the Sea of Stories”.  Recently I read “The Enchantress of Florence” and “The Satanic Verses”, both excellent, literally fabulous – the times blurb on the latter says it.

“A novel of metamorphosis, hauntings, memories, hallucinations, revelations, advertising jingles and jokes. Rushdie has the power of description, and we succumb.”

Well I did, and it sure is no accident that it is “blasphemous” when it comes to the revealed word of God. I have a hard-back of Rushdies’s “The Ground Beneath Her Feet” lined-up for holiday reading starting in a week’s time. Can’t wait – one of my earliest blog posts was a quote from that – and I can’t recall why, something to do with being “in the frame” – a la Pirsig ? [Back in 2003]

Also recently read William James “Essays in Radical Empiricism” – very dry, and important parts of which I have read in other collections already, but essential to the subject.

And also just finished the wonderful David Lindley “Uncertainty – Einstein, Heisenberg, Bohr and the Struggle for the Soul of Science” – I’ll blog more on this soon.

And finally, as well as Rushdie I have two Terry Eagleton hard-back’s also awaiting holiday reading; “The Meaning of Life” (2007) and “Reason, Faith and Revolution – Reflections of the God Debate” (2009).

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