Listening to Rawls Theory of Justice on @BBCR4 #iot It’s in my library of unread books. I was gifted it back ~1974ish and it didn’t grab me then. Guessing a wiser me should maybe read it 🙂
— Ian Glendinning (@psybertron) January 19, 2023
Utilitarianism vs Intuitionism – the latter tells us the former is unfair, but is not the solution. The rest is about fair procedures to achieve justice.
A new form of Social Contract. Nothing better since J.S.Mill or since despite many practical disagreements.
Key thought experiment – Original Position / Veil of Ignorance – which isn’t to say we plan and execute in ignorance, obviously. (eg historical injustice – class/ race etc specifics)
Placing yourself as competitor / opponent / enemy would
(Children slicing the cake)
Fairness as Justice
Mutually disinterested
We’re not all maximally altruistic