
Conversation between a Physicist, a Politician and a Poet. Mindwalk with screenplay co-authored by Fritjof Capra, based on his “Turning Point”, subsequent to his “Tao of Physics”.

First I need to say, that I have previously seen Capra taking the parallel’s between Mysticisms of ancient cultures and New Physics into interconnected harmonies a step too far, but it raises many of the same issues as Michael Talbot’s “Mysticism and The New Physics” and he too seemed to take the metaphors too far with his later “Holographic Universe”. Intriguing and interesting stuff that you have to be very careful if and how to bring into real-life considerations.

That said, this film is played pretty gently, and despite the probable conflation of too many connected issues – too much of “the great convergence” into systems theory – it covers many interesting points at a pragmatic level – the politician asking “but how would that get me elected”.

Wisdom as the addition of values to science. The individual responsibilities of scientists (very reminiscent of Durrenmatt’s “Die Physiker”). Life as self-organization. Evolution as co-creativity. Adding Blake to Descartes and Newton. Very Gaia. Very little new, but intelligent and thought provoking presentation.

Thanks to Marsha and Krimel over at MoQ-Discuss for bringing it to my attention.

One thought on “Mindwalk”

  1. SUBJECT: I’m glad you suggested the Mindwalk movie. (Free Streaming over internet.) Re: Mindwalk, a must share it with others!!!

    Ian: I’m glad you suggested the Mindwalk movie. (Free Streaming over internet.)

    It is a very good movie and I enjoyed it. As the dialog progressed, we are treated to great walking tour views of the famous castle, Mont. St. Michael, on the island rock pinnacle off the coast of France. Special treat are the views of the giant clock mechanism, even the inquisition torture chambers.

    The dialog was very interesting and covered many valid points for what I need to keep in mind and think about. Such as need to attend to wholeness in any natural process and indeed whole earth systems. A good point is this time of Global Warming Crisis and need to take holistically appropriate action.

    It’s thoughtfulness, in many ways reminds, me of the ZMM book. (But of course this is not directly in the ZMM book, and ZMM covers many other topics, not in the Mindwalk movie.)

    The movie dialog focuses on how our civilization is “out of joint” because of our restrictive mind set. It points to our overly scientific influenced culture and how we use too much analytic thinking. (You know, break any thing into pieces and analyze each piece.) This is of course how science works, to our great benefit. However in our own time this typical thinking mode (of our entire western civilization) often gets us into trouble.

    I clicked on the Internet Link, and the movie fired right up both on my Windows computer and my Mac computer. and played the complete movie with no problem.

    The movie is based on, Fritjof Capra’s The Turning Point.
    Synopsis: A US politician (Sam Waterston) visits his poet friend (John Heard) in Mont. St. Michael, France. While walking through the medeival island discussing their philosophies of life they happen upon Sonja (Liv Ullman), a scientist in recluse, who joins in their conversation. The two men listen to the ideas of this brilliant woman and discuss how her ideas can work in their own politician and poet lives.
    Starring: Liv Ullmann, Sam Waterston, John Heard, Ione Skye, Emmanuel Montes, Jean Boursin, Gabrielle Danchick, Jeanne Van Phue
    Running Time: 112 minutes
    Genre: Drama
    Director: Bernt Amadeus Capra


    **************** ian glendinning wrote:
    > Henry,
    > I think this is wonderful. You may want to share it with others.
    > http://www.psybertron.org/?p=1516
    > Ian

    Excerpts, selected by HSG, from Blog Site

    The movie is based on, Fritjof Capra’s The Turning Point.

    A US politician (Sam Waterston) visits his poet friend (John Heard) in Mont. St. Michael, France. While walking through the medeival island discussing their philosophies of life they happen upon Sonja (Liv Ullman), a scientist in recluse, who joins in their conversation. The two men listen to the ideas of this brilliant woman and discuss how her ideas can work in their own politician and poet lives.

    What this description isn’t telling you is the conversation between these three characters is fascinating and mesmerizing. Spellbinding really. Philosophy, physics and life in general.

    Have you ever had a conversation with a friend that you wished had gone on for ever? That’s kinda what this is like.

    it was a mental exercise movie, so it was stimulating. I know few other people who would sit through such philosophical rambling though. 😉

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