Pirsig Guardian Interview

Another interview promoting the re-publishing of Lila, pointed out by Ant and linked by Horse.

Actually a very sympathetic interview of the man by Tim Adams who recalls reading Zen and the Art at the age of 14. Lots of anecdotal recalls of biographical (and very personal) events behind the two books, including some worth adding to the timeline.

Even better, Ant has captured a copy of the
full transcript here.

9 thoughts on “Pirsig Guardian Interview”

  1. Then you’ve clearly not read the timeline 😉

    Actually I corresponded with Ted during earlier biographical research.

    The new stuff is
    (a) Nancy initiating the divorce whilst he was institutionalised (it was many years later after the ZMM success during the Lila boat trip that they finally separated. She was interviewed as the celebrity wife during that period too – explains a few things)
    (b) the “homicidal” incident that led to his father having him committed.

    I agree, very positive. The psychological story is every bit as interesting as the philosophical one.

  2. Dear ZMM Enthusiasts

    This is quie a good interview and has much new information. You will want to goback to read this again and again for it’s insightful reports about Pirsig and his answers to many questions.

  3. Good decision to avoid the philosophy, methinks. Baggini on the other hand, gave Pirsig the opportunity to show greatness of character and he did not seize it. The Archbishop will never forgive either of them for that.


  4. The Archbishop – I like it 🙂

    BTW, see my comment on Matt’s post, I don’t think Pirsig ever really wanted to do comparative philosophology. His philosophic writing stands as it is.

  5. I have just read the interview online. I am pleased to hear that Mr Pirsig is in good health and enjoying life!
    Mr Pirsig’s works have given us much to ponder. We are grateful.
    All you philosophers and insiders – keep up the good work!

  6. Thanks Steve. There are plenty of Pirsig / MoQ related links in the side panel … no-one need be an outsider.

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