Holey Communion

The title of an article by Alan Rayner (of Bath University) orginally published in Philosophica 73 (2004) 51-70, describing his forthcoming book … here an extract.

At the heart of the book is a refreshing way of understanding the dynamic geometry of human and non-human nature, based on modern scientific evidence of the inextricability of space from energy, time and matter. This ‘inclusional logic’ treats all natural form as receptive-responsive flow-form, lacking any fixed executive centre or centres. Correspondingly, space and boundaries are envisaged as connective, reflective and co-creative, not divisive, in their vital role of producing heterogeneous local identity within a featured rather than featureless, dynamic rather than static, Universe. This understanding leads in turn to some new and exciting ideas about what it means to be Human in a complex and rapidly changing world. These ideas are based on regarding the Human ‘Self’ as a complex, dynamic togetherness of inner and outer through intermediary aspects, in much the same way that we can understand a river system as a creative interaction of stream with landscape mediated through its banks and valley sides. Each aspect simultaneously shapes the other.

This form of reasoning makes sense of many long held human emotional values and principles. With it, we can appreciate our complex self-identities as receptive neighbourhoods in dynamic, loving and responsive relationship …

Alan has sent me a few draft chapters to take a look at.
Very promising on the strength of the above.

receptive-responsive flow-form, dynamic over static,
complexity, [causality as] creative-[strange-loopy]-interaction,
emotional values.

Suffice to say, very much the natural science background that caught my imagination with the MoQ. More later.

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