Katrina’s Silver Lining

I’ve been using the “every cloud has a silver lining” aphorism as part of the debate about whether MoQish “Dynamic Quality” has any necessarily positive directed change effect, suggesting it’s really just a case of every change is an opportunity for some positive evolution. Same as the general management cliche that every problem is really an opportunity.

This NYT article uses the same metaphor,

“Katrina was a natural disaster that interrupted a social disaster …. It has created as close to a blank slate as we get in human affairs, and given us a chance to rebuild a city that wasn’t working. We need to be realistic about how much we can actually change human behavior, but it would be a double tragedy if we didn’t take advantage of these unique circumstances to do something that could serve as a spur to antipoverty programs nationwide.”

“Blank Slate” in there too. Metaphors R us. Interestingly it was the subject of Katrina that most recently provided the “silver lining” opportunity on MoQ-Discuss too.

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