Talking of Perversity

As I was in the Opposite Aphorisms post below … here is a link to Steve Johnson’s latest book “Why Everything Bad Is Good For You“, linked from Euan Semple’s blog.

I assume this is the same Steve Johnson as in Lakoff and Johnson ?
Looks worth a look. Looks like pure Dynamic Quality.
Almost all change produces some good – is this any more than every cloud has a silver lining ?

Thanks to Euan also for this link. Like him I say “You’re not bloody kidding”. I’ve posted several times in the past month about the poisonous meme that is “intelligent designer creationism”. It needs to be stopped, by force of intellect over culture. I like the Trojan Horse metaphor, also picked-up by one of the commenters. Interestingly Barbara Tuchman uses it as the archetype for governmental cock-ups everywhere. Where is the Mythos when you need it ?

2 thoughts on “Talking of Perversity”

  1. psybertron, I’ll address you here because my blogging time is being shortened due to family concerns. Remember my post about Jethro Tull? I heard on a radio show this morning a critic of Cold Play, a very popular band these days (I like them) The criticism was that they come from the elite public school system in England and therefore lack the “edge” which is needed for rock and roll. The critic hearkened back to the seventies and cast the same aspersion on Jethro Tull. …priviledged boy expressing angst with no edge. I remembered our posts and laughed. A Meme????

    His prediction is that there will soon be a emergence of punk rock, or someting like it and something new.


  2. Some truth in that, but like everything there needs to be a balance (or a cycle will do) between the rougher bio-social and the socio-intellectual.

    They’re not exclusive, but a dumbing down which effectively excludes the intelectual is ultimately counter productive. The key thing is experience-backed intellect.

    Interestingly, prompted by your earlier post, I picked-up a compilation of Tull that inlcuded “Wind Up”.

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