Promoting Science

Always had mixed views about “The Edge”, John Brockman’s collection of the scientific elite as their publishing agent. Here is Technology, Entertainment and Design 2005 conference report, focussing on a comparison between Richard Foreman’s “Pancake People” and George Dyson’s “Godel to Google Net” (Which I think I blogged before).

Anyway whilst the science writing is always good and mixed, inlcuding plenty I believe and plenty I don’t, I was always a bit put off by the “hype”. However, seeing the recent shameless promotion of the Intelligent Design Creationism garbage, and the terrifying way it’s lapped up by an ill-informed popular press, and worse still, ill-informed education planners and school governors, I think science and any good quality intellectual thought needs all the promotion it can get.

More power to you John Brockman.

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