Great edition of Start the Week with Tom Sutcliffe talking to Peter Carey, Afua Hirsch and Geert Mak.
Listening in the background, but clear message that difference – (historical, geographical, biological) – matters, it’s valuable. Words for “other” have evolved in context. Denying it is ignorant, simply insulting.
[Previously on Psybertron: Identity Beyond Politics and Good Fences. And recently on PC with Pinker.]
[Post Note: And the Cathy Newman / Jordan Peterson kefuffle came only a day later:
And, more from Afua Hirsch in mainstream media:
This is why so many PoC don’t talk to white people about racism: because they don’t actually want to listen or begin to admit it actually exists
�” Alom Shaha (@alomshaha) January 21, 2018
… causing a flutter, as did this recent cover of American Skeptic magazine:
Not sure what the message is, other than click-bait media selling ... fear of anti-intellectualism?]
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