More on Pirsig Timelines

More on Pirsig Timelines – Interesting pages from the English (Anglistik und Americanistik) Dept at Vienna University, which hosts an “Easy Rider Anthology” (complete with obligatory soundtrack – betcha can’t guess which tune) with a good analysis of ZAMM, including some detective work on dates. [See earlier timeline post.] Recent (post ZAMM 1974 / post … Continue reading “More on Pirsig Timelines”

Pirsig’s ZMM in Environmental Engineering & Science Newsletter

Vol 36 No.3 Presidents Letter September 2001 [QUOTE] The historical bifurcation of technical and liberal education may result in technological “advances” that are not always well-informed or in the long-term, best interest of society. Pirsig in the neo-classic, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, points to a possible cause, “What’s wrong with technology is … Continue reading “Pirsig’s ZMM in Environmental Engineering & Science Newsletter”

Pirsig was a Blogger

In Lila, we get a great deal of description of the process Bob Pirsig used to manage his thoughts whilst creating ZAMM, and he gives us an insight into his trunkful of 3000 4″ x 6″ slips (index cards) in his letter of January 5th 1969 to his publisher James Landis. He mentions it again … Continue reading “Pirsig was a Blogger”

Barrett, Velasquez, Gaarder & Pirsig

Barrett got me thinking. Spotted a reference to him in Manuel Velasquez, then followed the latter into various university philosophy course web-sites and stumbled across this California Baptist Univ course. The first serious academic looking philosophy link to Pirsig and ZAMM that I’ve come across. I suppose it had to be in California.

Pirsig’s “SODV”

Subjects, objects, data and values. Sept 2001 (Rev 10 !!) of Robert Pirsig’s original 1995 paper. Although I bogged a link to the Quantonics site many moons ago, I didn’t spot there was so much Pirsig related stuff here and on the MoQ “Metaphysics of Quality” site, both recently added to the side-bar. Spooky to … Continue reading “Pirsig’s “SODV””

The Brie Chronicles – Zen and the Art of Rock and Roll

The Preamble A couple of weeks ago I mentioned (only on X/Twitter I think) coming across a Nietzsche scholar – Keegan Kjeldsen – who was clearly also a Pirsig scholar, and who happened to be a rock’n’roller in a doom-metal band, from Austin TX. “What’s not to like?” I opined at the time. X/Tweet 23rd … Continue reading “The Brie Chronicles – Zen and the Art of Rock and Roll”

About a Book

Chicago 15th July. Travelling back from an arduous but immensely enjoyable ten days or so re-creating the first half of the “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” #ZMM50thRide with 20 other fine people, referred to tongue-in-cheek by the DeWeese family as “Pirsig Pilgrims”. It really was about the people for me. As Mark Richardson … Continue reading “About a Book”