New Pirsig ZMM Route Map

New Pirsig ZMM Route Map Created by Gary Wegner and brought to my attention by Henry Gurr. I was contemplating linking my route-map to Henry’s increasingly captioned series of photos – which become more amazing every visit – but my effort looks so primitive alongside Gary’s. Great contribution to Pirsigology Gary.

KM Meets Pirsig

KM Meets Pirsig – I was impressed by David Snowden’s contribution to the European Knowledge Management conference as reported by Ton. Well I see David’s presentation at the launch of the London Knowledge Network includes a quote from Pirsig as his second slide. [Quote] Traditional scientific method has always been at the very best 20-20 … Continue reading “KM Meets Pirsig”

Pirsig and Barfield at the RMMLA

Pirsig presented to the Rocky Mountain Modern Languages Association on 13th October 1961 [see Timeline]. It seems Owen Barfield is a regular item on the RMMLA agenda. And this is a much better Barfield link that the one I blogged earlier which is a nasty frames-base site.

Anthony McWatt’s Textbook on Pirsig

Anthony McWatt’s Textbook on Pirsig – Anthony’s new web site hosts a complete copy of his recently completed ten year quest to create a Textbook on Pirsig. (Link added to the Pirsig Pages too) I’ll post a review when I’ve had a chance to read. Looks promising, from a real Pirsig scholar.

Pirsig ZMM Journey Route Map Updated

Pirsig ZMM Journey Route Map Updated – Thanks to a great deal of information from Henry Gurr I’ve been able to correct and update the ZMM route details as part of a general update of the Pirsig Pages and the biographical timeline. Henry’s site has many more photographs and location details than I can link … Continue reading “Pirsig ZMM Journey Route Map Updated”

Rorty and Pirsig

Picked-up from an anonymous hit on the blog, I found this link between Rorty and Pirsig. Including the following from Rorty [Quote] At fifteen I escaped … by going off to the so-called “Hutchins College” of the University of Chicago. (This was the institution immortalized by A. J. Liebling as “the biggest collection juvenile neurotics … Continue reading “Rorty and Pirsig”

Pirsig Pages Update

Pirsig Pages Update – I’ve added a significant update to my Pirsig pages to include a link to my new map of the ZAMM route. (It’s a frames page, to enable a changing information panel as you move across each of the points en-route, but I think I’ve done the decent thing and ensured all … Continue reading “Pirsig Pages Update”