Defining Concepts – Not

Mentioned Matt Segall (Footnotes2Plato / @ThouArtThat) in an aside note to this recent post on Rudolf Steiner. and I have acknowledged him before here. (He’s a Whitehead scholar with whom I’ve engaged once or twice on questions of process philosophy and McGilchrist space (?) – in comments and tweet threads, but I realise I probably … Continue reading “Defining Concepts – Not”

Many Worlds & Ontological Commitment

Had an exchange with David Deutsch earlier today. I didn’t have the full context of the original question that prompted him to post a 9 minute video essay on YouTube, but it was in defence of the Everettian Many Worlds Interpretation being seen as part of the “concensus” in 21st C physics. [My gloss on … Continue reading “Many Worlds & Ontological Commitment”

Strained Conversation

Opening Gambit [Links being added] [Q (21 Aug)]: “I understand that you have a professional engineering background and a strong interest in systems theory …  If you would like to discuss this very important topic one on one I would be interested.” [A (22 Aug)]: “Sure, I most recently I summarised my interest here (18 … Continue reading “Strained Conversation”

Long Friston Interview

This Karl Friston interview is long and wandering (almost 4 hours!) and a bit distorted by the somewhat affected (?) naïve “Theory of Everything” – everything including the kitchen sink – agenda of interviewer Curt Jaimungal, but anyway … some very rough mental notes: Deflationary view – hooray. The very point. Using / understanding general … Continue reading “Long Friston Interview”

I Identify as Humanist

In terms of my view of how the world works: I identify as Humanist. (But then so do many people of faith who also value humanity. And obviously, in other terms I identify as a lot of other things too: male, husband, father, grandfather, British, engineer, philosophical researcher, etc, etc. But identity is a whole … Continue reading “I Identify as Humanist”

McGilchrist at Embercombe

Missed this conversation last night, so watching the recording today. Just VERY rough notes for conversation. What is the matter? Doesn’t actually answer – but talks around that we all seem to see the plight of western humanity. Then a long summary of TMWT (inc repeat of TMAHE HH content) Attention – a moral act … Continue reading “McGilchrist at Embercombe”

HTLGI2022@Hay – Mostly Meta

Just a quick diary of my 4 days at the IAI “How the Light Gets In” festival in Hay-on-Wye 2 to 5 June 2022, from a logistical & meta perspective first, before I get down to any people and significant content. Being also the Jubilee holiday, the main car-park in Hay was free so I … Continue reading “HTLGI2022@Hay – Mostly Meta”

Paradigmatic Shift – Objects to Systems?

I watched a talk by Eva Jablonka on the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis (EES) which I’ve mentioned previously in connection with Kevin Laland et al. (In fact she provides one of the cover blurbs for his “Darwin’s Unfinished Symphony“.) Apart from the general plea for the phenotypic focus (*) on evolutionary change – of which (DNA) … Continue reading “Paradigmatic Shift – Objects to Systems?”