Metaphysical Relational Triad

2020 update to my Epistemological Ontology from 2017/18 (Minor change of wording to emphasise the ontological reality.) Ontology because it’s a world-view of what is deemed to exist. Epistemological because it is based on knowledge. Metaphysical Monism because the stoff of knowledge is information and therefore the only stoff of which the whole edifice is … Continue reading “Metaphysical Relational Triad”

Informational Panpsychism – a Dual-Aspect Monism

In many discussions of the work of the modern panpsychists (eg Goff and more recently (Bollands) a universal-lifer who posits no distinction between the actions of living and conscious things), I have pleaded for a pan-proto-psychism / pan-proto-living world-view where the proto-stoff is information. One obvious reason is that information exists non-contentiously at all levels … Continue reading “Informational Panpsychism – a Dual-Aspect Monism”

The Review at the End of the Universe

Preamble This is probably as close as I’ll get to an actual review of Tim Bollands “Life the Universe and Consciousness”.  I’ve made significant comments and references here three times already: Problems, Problems — Life, the Universe and Consciousness Life the Universe and Consciousness #2 Life, the Universe and Nothing New Under the Sun? And … Continue reading “The Review at the End of the Universe”

Life the Universe and Consciousness #2

I previously devoted a whole post and made several other references to a new book by A T Bollands “Life the Universe and Consciousness“. Although addressing many of the same issues, problems with physical science, which are driving other current philosophers in the direction of panpsychism, Bollands is a “Universal Lifer”. In his book we … Continue reading “Life the Universe and Consciousness #2”

The Quality of Being

It seems Goff and Kastrup have fallen out. With a great swell of interest in pan-psychism and idealism stoked by these two in the last couple of years it was no surprise they came together to compare notes recently. They’re not new to each other. Goff was actually an academic referee to Katsrup’s PhD I … Continue reading “The Quality of Being”

Margaret Wertheim – Pythagoras’ Trousers

Way behind on both reading and writing, but have read two great books I need to review / gut. Firstly, below, “Pythagoras’ Trousers” by Margaret Wertheim, subtitled “God, Physics and the Gender Wars“. The Pythagoras connection follows on from my read of Philip Goff, but I’m still not sure where I picked up the reference. … Continue reading “Margaret Wertheim – Pythagoras’ Trousers”

Is Matter Conscious? No it isn’t, but …

[Posting a draft from 2017] As a rule of thumb, any headline phrased like that kinda question was almost certainly created by an editor as click-bait and invariably demands the obvious answer “No”. So despite being Tweeted by @AnitaLeirfall – generally a reliable source 😉 – I didn’t actually read it beyond a skim of the … Continue reading “Is Matter Conscious? No it isn’t, but …”

Reading (& Writing) Catch-Up Jan 2020

Happy New Year everyone, just the one resolution here. Not posted since November and not read much either. Kinda(*) stalled I guess. Work got serious in a shift from planning & requirements gathering to funding & implementation, so I’m distracted by the day-job – in a good way, for all the right reasons – and … Continue reading “Reading (& Writing) Catch-Up Jan 2020”