The Earliest Interweb-Thingy ?

Thanks to Dan Glover for posting this Mundaneum link on MoQ-Discuss. (And to Ron Kulp for this documentary link to the same subject.) I’ve blogged several times previously on the similarity of blogging to the approach Pirsig used to organise his ideas, and how this is a generic metaphor for the interconnectivity rather than atomism of … Continue reading “The Earliest Interweb-Thingy ?”

End of Faith in What ?

Several different threads here. All mentioned before – reading Sam Harris “End of Faith” itself, a discussion thread on MoQ.Discuss with End of Faith title and several spin-off threads, and a discussion thread on Chairman Parker’s Blog. My position can be summarised quite easily. Tolerance of (misplaced) religious faith is as dangerous as extremes of … Continue reading “End of Faith in What ?”

Small Interconnected World

Having noticed that the content of the “Taking Science on Faith” post below, provided to me by Gary Wegner, was also in the current edition of The Edge, I see that it is also covered in the comment thread to the Daily Kos post reviewing Paul Davies “Cosmic Jackpot” … The Edge and Paul Davies … Continue reading “Small Interconnected World”

Meta Quality

I’ve mentioned many times that “meta” is an important concept – the word itself seems to come and go with fashions. “Meta-X” equals “X concerning X” In my agenda here it is a way, in this Subject / Object oriented world, of taking that one step back from the apparent objects and focusssing on the … Continue reading “Meta Quality”

Taking Science on Faith

Series of two articles and letters to the editor in the NY Times, and a SlashDot thread … Dennis Overbye “Laws of Nature, Source Unknown” Paul Davies “Taking Science on Faith” (More of the same by the same authors in the latest “Edge“) Letters to the NYT Editor “Scientific Method; Evidence not Faith” SlashDot “Where Do the Laws … Continue reading “Taking Science on Faith”

Zen and Now

Made a minor correction to my Pirsig timeline when Jim Williams pointed out I’d mixed up second wife Wendy with first wife Nancy in 1976. Ooops. Coincidentally, and much more exciting, Toronto Star journalist Mark Richardson has agreed a deal with Knopf (Random House, hardcover) and Vintage (paperback) for publication of his “Zen & Now” … Continue reading “Zen and Now”

The Future Approaches from Behind

Picked-up this collection of quotes from Tim O’Reilly via Sean Murphy, cross-linked because he refers to this quote from Pirsig talking about his ZMM, (and he uses a link to my Pirsig pages and bio timeline). This book has a lot to say about Ancient Greek perspectives and their meaning but there is one perspective … Continue reading “The Future Approaches from Behind”

Reading Update

Finished Dennett’s “Breaking the Spell” – mentioned in the previous post. Excellent. Two promptings led me …. … to Hume (from Alice’s comments), I really must read in the originals, so I’ve downloaded texts from Gutenberg. (Also contact from Alice reminded me I’d still not finished “Atonement”, still sitting on the bedside cabinet – just time to … Continue reading “Reading Update”