A naive, but incisive question

A naive, but incisive question to Philip Greenspun from a 1st Year MBA student [via Jorn] about enterprise software. The whole thrust of blogs / social software et al has been the recognition that the flexibiliy of peer-to-peer arrangements actually affords a better picture of the true information content of the medium. Any monolithic centralised system is “doomed to misinform”, as I say in my manifesto summary in the page header. See recent computerworld story Enterprise Software’s End – this is already a mainstream issue.

Communication Intent

Communication Intent – Fairly basic but intelligible paper by Dan Sperber [via Jorn] reminding us of the importance of the communication context as well as content if the “communicator’s meaning” is to be correctly inferred from the message received. In disembodied messages (web-pages / posts) we need to be sure we have some way of referencing or linking back to the issuers “intent” as I have said many times.

My Blogging Ethic

Spurred by a couple of unconnected contacts. I blog therefore I am (someone said), so when I blog …

I blog links of interest (ie where I perceive value) in order to distribute that “knowledge” more widely and in doing so acknowledge the sources of such links.

I create new links, because new links are new knowledge, whether these are new links between my own thoughts and existing external links, or between two or more external links.

I rarely, if ever, blog a thought not connected to some existing link, though occasionally time pressure may mean that existing link is not immediately explicit.

(Excuse the self-indulgence.)