On Walden Pond

Finished Thoreau’s Walden, reading it mainly to and from work on the bus. (I mentioned earlier the coincidence that it was the subject of BBC’s “In Our Time” recently too, just as I had unpacked the book from our recent relocation onto the bed-side cabinet – so a comprehensive re-read was in order.) A little … Continue reading “On Walden Pond”

Everybody Wants To Get Ahead ?

Is a line from the wonderfully ironic “The Devil Wears Prada” a film I saw for about the 3rd or 4th time yesterday … just killing time … one of those films that always seems to be showing on some TV channel. I don’t know anything about the original writing behind it, and there is … Continue reading “Everybody Wants To Get Ahead ?”

Blogging Trash ?

Perhaps a little harsh, but this cartoon posted by Georganna, rings true. Blog post writing can barely do justice to the impulse to “hold that thought” or “capture that link”. Quality writing might need a different vehicle. (The cataloguing, categorizing and linking of thoughts is of course a very Pirsigian approach to writing, and he … Continue reading “Blogging Trash ?”

Rorty Grounded in Dewey

Two excellent articles by Danny Postel, one the last interview with Rorty before his death in 2007, and one shortly after on his brand of atheism. Links from Steve Peterson commenting on a great thread on Dewey and Hildebrand on MoQ-Discuss, posted by Dave Buchannan and debated again with Matt Kundert. {Post Note : Hildebrand’s “The Neopragmatist Turn” … Continue reading “Rorty Grounded in Dewey”

Chicago on the Edge

In the previous post – more on the interminable God vs Science saga – I concluded with a reference to Chicago. Firstly, the reason I was browsing Mary Hrovat’s Thinking Meat was because I noticed she’d blogged an initial look at this year’s Edge question, which I’d not done yet, but she already concluded as I have … Continue reading “Chicago on the Edge”

New Leaves Turned Over

Plenty of people posting reviews of 2008 and resolutions for 2009. Detectable in the hits on my site too. I mentioned once or twice during 2008 that I was getting a bit fed-up with the proportion of hits not just from search engines (eg Google, mainly) , with no dwell time from the human user … Continue reading “New Leaves Turned Over”

Re-organization Update

Just a quickie update. I’ve pruned the overloaded side-bar – by using a simpler collapsible “previous posts” javascript, and removing a couple of dozen old, redundant or little-used blog-roll links. I’ve also moved the Pirsig / MoQ links to the newer [Pirsig] page, and added additional internal navigation links to that page. The original Psybertron Pirsig Pages … Continue reading “Re-organization Update”

Hoops of Fire

As I near the end of a period of living & working in the US, in the Tennessee Valley in northern Alabama, I notice a few of my blog posts recently closing circles, mainly in musical connections. One obvious circle for Sylvia and I is that, purely coincidentally, the move from the US, is not … Continue reading “Hoops of Fire”