East Meets West #2

As you know, I’ve just started reading Northrop [Previous] [ Previous] and already hooked because he is straight into the pragmatic effects of the Catch-22 of the recursive argument about how absolute can a metaphysics be that includes it’s own definition. [Quote] the basic paradox of our time [is that] “sound” theory tends to destroy the state of affairs it aims to achieve [Unquote] (His scare quotes, not mine). As good a statement of the Catch-22 as any I’ve heard.

Some interesting and directly Pirsig related points too …

Chapter 7 is all about culture and Greek science. The main references are McKeon, Hutchins and Adler, right from the opening para. (I skipped to Ch7 from Ch1 after stumbling across the references at the end !). Not only is it about these people, it’s about Hutchins switch from “legal realism” (dialectic with value based inputs) as Dean of Yale Law School to “what is needed is more adequate scientific grounded [Aristoletian] philosophy” as Dean of Chicago University. In fact he was looking for an objective “idea of the good”. A metaphyisics of quality perhaps ?

Interesting that a Pirsig [see timeline] who reads, and is thoroughly influenced by Northrop aged 20, on a troopship in 1948, is shocked (nay, incensed) to find out about McKeon and “the Hutchins mob” [after Rorty] at Chicago University, aged 33 during the summer of 1961, after he has been accepted there and interviewed by McKeon.


No evidence Urizen has any common link with Zen ? Sparked off to look at Blake’s Urizen by the material on the home page of Brian Bauld, who hosts a copy of Geore Steiners “Uneasy Rider” New Yorker review of ZMM, amongst a lot of other gems.

The Wikipedia entry on Urizen says [Quote] In the complex mythology of William Blake, Urizen was the embodiment of reason and law. He is usually depicted as a bearded old man; he sometimes bears architect’s tools, to create and constrain the universe; or nets, with which he ensnares people in webs of law and conventional culture. [Unquote]

Webs ensnaring people with conventional culture – a recurring metaphor even then ?

East Meets West

Just received “The Meeting of East and West” by F.S.C. Northrop (MacMillan, 1946, 1st ed, 2nd impression) (just said that) and what a book. This is the volume that so influenced Pirsig on his troopship return from Korea in 1948. The book that turned a lateral drifter into pursuer of something important (ZMM25 p124). Anyway, I read the intro and first chapter before getting out of bed this morning.

Given that I got on this knowledge modelling lark from an ISO Information Standards angle, it’s spooky to find the entire volume prefaced with the quote from Chinese philosopher Mo-Tih “Where standards differ there will be opposition. But how can the standards in the world be unified?”

Given my obsession with the Catch-22 of my manifesto, it is even spookier for me to find the opening sentence is “Ours is a paradoxical world.” In fact I’ve already counted the word paradox 4 times in the first 6 pages. As I’ve been discussing with Matt Kundert recently, this paradox would be joke, non-existent meta-physically, if we were not so culturally hidebound by the linguistic metaphors of apparently rational decision making processes. As Northrop says, “The paradox appears in a purely verbal, but none-the-less important, form ….”

Of course this is a book written during and published immediately after WWII, so questions of world harmony were topical. Topical !? I keep saying nothing new under the sun – it was ever thus – and Northrop talks of “ever present” issues.

A very promising start.

Clicks Meets Used Bricks

Just received “The Meeting of East and West” by F.S.C. Northrop (MacMillan, 1946, 1st ed, 2nd impression) from MGBooks used bookstore @ URL:// 1013 Brice Road, Rockville, Maryland, 🙂 30 hours after confirming a standard flat-rate US-snail-mail order through Amazon’s used book service. I’m very impressed – with Marcy George, Amazon, the US Postal Service and whatever the “Royal Mail” local-loop is called these days.

OK, so speed is good too – see previous post – another of life’s little “paradoxes”.

A little delay in communication is a good thing

A little delay in communication is a good thing. A post via Lilia Effimova and Jim McGee from Rory Perry. Not quite the original point, but one I’ve made recently. [and here]

Speed of light interaction does not leave enough space (ha, space again) for memetic cultivation. A little time is need for organisation to weed out the meaningless from the meaningful in appropriate contexts and establish meaningful links. Survival of the fittest is a great filter, but the fittest will evolve to look a little odd if their environment is to spend their entire life standing on a cliff-top in a hurricane, if I may mix my metaphors.

Small Pieces, Loosely Joined

Small Pieces, Loosely JoinedDave Weinberger was never short of web hype (eg in the Cluetrain Manifesto), but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong. Far from it, this quote about the web in his latest book [Quote] Why has this simple technology sent a lightning bolt through our culture? It goes far beyond the Web’s over-hyped economic impact: 500 million of us aren’t there because we want a better “shopping experience.” The Web, a world of pure connection, free of the arbitrary constraints of matter, distance and time, is showing us who we are – and is undoing some of our deepest misunderstandings about what it means to be human in the real world. [Unquote]

Undoing some of our deepest misunderstandings in a world of pure connection.

Not read the book yet, but this perspective and those of his many celebrity reviewers (Tom Peters, Lawrence Lessig, Don Norman) reflect my own manifesto and research proposal for being in this space. (Ha, space – yeah, what is it like to be a bat ?) Some of the deepest ingrained issues about how people make decisions in the world, are thrown into stark and immediate relief by the ubiquity and speed of the web. They were always there, nothing new under the sun, just inescapable in a world of pure connection.

The same book also includes a Chapter on “perfection” with this quote from TBL [Quote] The Web will always be a little broken says its creator, Tim Berners-Lee. Just like us mortals.[Unquote] I’ve been debating with MOQ Philosophers on the MOQ Discuss board, about whether or not a Metaphysics which includes its own definition can ever be complete without some absolute underlying reality beyond its own description. My perspective is that an “ideal” description of perfection can only ever be a vision; something to aim for; something whose representation can be used as a tool, but which can never actually be seen as an end or reality in itself. To use the language of MOQ, that would make reality a static pattern, whereas we surely know it is dynamic quality – pure connection. (Connection, like information, knowledge and awareness, is rooted in a dynamic, transitive verb.)

That old Brain vs Mind debate updated with Qubits

That old Brain vs Mind debate updated. You’ll know I’ve been following “Quantum Information Processing” for the past couple of years, well, “neurophilosophy” (previous post) got me thinking.

Is it a “one” ? Is it a “zero” ? Yes its a Qubit QuBit Image

I’ve been corresponding with Peter Marcer at the British Computer Society – Cybernetic Machine Specialist Group, about that group’s latest agenda building on Quantum Information Processing and “Holochory”, and the extent to which it concerns itself with fundamental questions of (i) the nature of “information” itself and (ii) the information processing principles used in brains. I guess neurophilosophy might embody my doubts at a scientific explanation making the leap from “information processing principles used in brains” to “how the mind works“.

You see, the published mission statement from this group (extracted above) is actually summarised on their home page as

“The Conscious Brain as the role model for the Computer. Information as Meaning. What Brains Process. Quantum Information Processing/Holography – an explanation of the morphology and dynamics of Living Systems, DNA, the Biological Cell,…..the Brain, Consciousness, Natural Languages and Creativity.”

Information as meaning ? A physical science explanation for consciousness, natural language and creativity ? A breathtaking leap in anyone’s book. Thinking with meat ? What do you think ?