ACMS – A trackback link from “Point of Beginning” the newsletter of the American Congress of Mapmakers and Surveyors (ACMS), and a Viewpoint article by Frank Hissong on cultural change and the value of agility in surveying and mapmaking in the digital world. Intrigued because of the references to Tom Peter’s with whom I updated links recently.
Some snippets – Irrationality really is better. Avoid “rational / comprehensive models”, they don’t work. Ready, Fire, Aim – said Peters yonks ago – likening business to a guided missile. We need to “move faster and faster until the thrill of the speed overcomes the fear of death” says Hunter S Thompson. Leap of faith. Tipping point. It’s all there, all completely counter-intuitive, but essential for successful business. [See Manifesto]
(Interesting for me to follow the ACMS link further – my father used to be a cartographic surveyor – all their little stories and competitions about “throwing a chain” and pacing a distance and estimating an angle rang bells. Is it an art or a science ? Should we make any distinction ? Is this “Rta” or plain old Quality ?)
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