On The Road

Bought Kerouac some time ago; as the seminal beat-generation road story, it seemed de-rigoeur to have read it, since it forms part of the backdrop to Pirsig. Anyway I’m well into it at last. (Thinking out loud – Plenty of parallels with Pirsig’s mid-west already, though Pirsig’s timing does not overlap – his back-packing days … Continue reading “On The Road”

Paradox of War Against Terrorism

I’ve tried to keep Psybertron away from global politics subjects, despite noting the subconscious kick in the pants 9/11 gave to its motivation (see footnote on every page), mainly I guess not to overstate any impression of self-importance and to keep in perspective of what I might aim to achieve in my world of business, … Continue reading “Paradox of War Against Terrorism”

More on Pirsig Timelines

More on Pirsig Timelines – Interesting pages from the English (Anglistik und Americanistik) Dept at Vienna University, which hosts an “Easy Rider Anthology” (complete with obligatory soundtrack – betcha can’t guess which tune) with a good analysis of ZAMM, including some detective work on dates. [See earlier timeline post.] Recent (post ZAMM 1974 / post … Continue reading “More on Pirsig Timelines”

Dr James Willis

Dr James Willis – Author of “The Paradox of Progress” and “Friends in Low Places”. Writing in a medical / healthcare context, but spot on the main theme of recoiling from hyper-rationalism. [Quote] Most of all we need to keep technology in its proper place, as the servant of the individual person, not the master. … Continue reading “Dr James Willis”

Reading Matter Update

Been Reading / Re-Reading ….Still haven’t got my bibliography fully up and running, but have been reading, re-reading and annotating furiously recently, so I’m just capturing the books involved in the process. Spookily again – Pirsig’s Lila focussed in the early passages on the authors battle to capture many diverse thoughts in a card index … Continue reading “Reading Matter Update”