The Pond Metaphor

Both Shawn and Mark at Anecdote have blogged about James Harlow Brown’s “Dangerous Undertaking: The Search for Transformation“. The book is on my reading list, but I have several others ahead of it in the pipeline at the moment, however this metaphor reinforces why it looks interesting to me. Yes, overlapping patterns of involvement in … Continue reading “The Pond Metaphor”

Never trust a man …

… Who doesn’t work with his hands. He looks at you once, You know he understands. [Peter Gabriel – Lamb Lies Down …] Interesting to see “Shop Class as Soul Craft” by Matthew Crawford is making a buzz. The parallels to Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance are noted in reviews, but not apparently … Continue reading “Never trust a man …”

ZMM Brainwashing

Interesting reference in Umberto Eco’s “Foucault’s Pendulum” – the book is (a fiction) about a germ of deadly truth behind endless crackpot mystical and occult theories of mythical conspiracies of Aryan, Hebrew, Templar, Catholic, Masonic coincidences and cabals. I’m only 40% through, but whilst Eco doesn’t mention Pirsig or ZMM work by name he does include this … Continue reading “ZMM Brainwashing”

John Gray Interview

Thanks to Euan Semple for the link to this Independent interview with John Gray, plugging his latest book “Gray’s Anatomy”. I find the fact that he “predicted” the recent financial crisis utterly irrelevant, but the pragmatic political view of philosophy without fundamental isms and ideologies is refreshing. Interestingly, I was just reading a piece from … Continue reading “John Gray Interview”

Site Hit Update

I regularly review site hits, as in almost daily, and just occasionally I record summaries here. Last time I did this a few months ago, the stats were plagued by a number of (new) web crawlers generating loads of indexing hits, which is great, but it was skewing / disguising the real human traffic. Recently … Continue reading “Site Hit Update”

Zeitgeist Update

This is a (near) verbatim copy of a MOQ Discuss forum post of mine from a month or so ago. I caused some offence last year when I dissed Zeitgeist (2007) without having seen this Zeitgeist Addendum (2008). I have since seen this version too. It is pretty comprehensive and on the money 😉 as you say. I still … Continue reading “Zeitgeist Update”

ZMM Airing

I see that Ant’s second Pirsig documentary installment “On the Road With Robert Pirsig” gets an airing tonight at a reading of ZMM in the Twin Cities, where a couple of local bloggers also picked this up. A little biographical detail is that the event at the Sean Muda Studio is in the same “Roberts … Continue reading “ZMM Airing”

ECT – A Fine Meme

A main thread of my work is that what passes for sense, knowledge and rationality in communication and decision-making with any “what should we do” qualitative, ethical or moral element, is essentially memetic. A western meme that dominates western society and western dominated worlds; a meme that focusses on quantifiable values and discrete objects  than … Continue reading “ECT – A Fine Meme”