Mentioned in the previous post that I’d been at BlogWalk yesterday in Bloomsbury, based in the Old Crown on New Oxford Street. Many thanks to Johnnie Moore and Lilia Effimova for organising and facilitating the stimulating day.
Attendees were for me all first time meetings.
Lilia Efimova (Mathemagenic)
Johnnie Moore (JohnnieMoore)
Ed Mitchell (KnowledgeBoard)
Chris MaCrae (ValueTrue)
Riccardo Cambiassi (CodeWitch)
Mark Brady (Mark Brady)
Julian Elve (Synesthesia)
Lloyd Davis (Perfect Path)
Paul Graham
Louise Ferguson (City of Bits)
Martin Roell (Das E-Business)
Anu Gupta (ScaleFree)
Suw Charman (Choc’n’Vodka)(HeadShift)
Omar Green (Savaje)
Desiree Gosby (Savaje)
David Wilcox (Designing Civil Society)
Topic was blogging as Social Software in Organisations – Inside the Firewall. Led to much business debate about internal vs external communication – where is the boundary, is it clear, or fuzzy, or variable ? The issues were all business & social communication, independent of the blogging medium, everything from formal external announcements & press-releases to whilstle-blowing leakage, taking in internal community building and need-to-know issues. Some thoughts in my previous post.
Highlight of the day was that Lloyd and Louise knew the Bloomsbury area of London well and walked us around, taking in the British Museum, Russel Square, London University Senate, University College and Bedford Square. Lots of “Bloomsbury Group” blue-plaques. Very much the same “Fitzrovia” educational patch used by INFED.
Another minor personal highlight was re-acquaintance with the Princess Louise for lunch. Dark (Victorian ?) ceramics and mirrors still survive over 100% of the walls and ceiling, and so too the enormous marble and iron urinals.