Brian McDermott’s weblog looks interesting. Came across it from a cross-hit on his page of knowledge related quotes. I know – cliche – but some good ones.
Mentioned in Dispatches
Not sure whether these guys independently verified this stuff, but my Pirsig Timeline forms the basis of the biography of Robert Pirsig on the web site of the American Society of Authors and Writers.
The Answer to How is Yes.
Says Johnnie Moore, quoting Peter Block’s book title.
The antidote to Analysis-Paralysis is Can-Do / Just-Do-It.
Spookily the instant after returning from commenting on Johnnie’s blog, I found a hit on my own blog with the search string “How can knowledge be shared in weblog“. Answer = Yes, you dummy.
RIP Cloughie
Sad day yesterday. Ironicaly, we were just talking about how well Cloughie was looking recently when watching his player/manager son Nigel at Burton Albion; I guess his chronic illness enforced healthier living in recent years. He’ll be missed.
David Lavery’s Evil Genius
Just updated my link to David Lavery‘s Owen Barfield site a couple of days ago.
Today Robert Pirsig himself recommended David Lavery’s “Evil Genius” site via Ant McWatt on the MoQ Discussion Board.
Who is Joanna Climacus ? Real or fiction ?
(Or is it Johanna Climacus – both spellings on the site ? The former in the page text, the latter in the button & book-cover graphics)
A fictional lady buying her stairway to heaven ?
Here is St John Climacus of the “Ladder to Perfection” (or Stairway to Heaven)
Here is Joanna (Polish ?) – “Room of my Own” blogger recommending Climacus.
All other “Joanna Climacus” hits are on Lavery’s site.
No “Johanna Climacus” hits indexed anywhere.
Intriguing plot – at first brief glance – travelling back in time to terminate Descartes and rid the world of mind-matter duality, and more besides ? The Name of the Rose approached from the 24th rather than 14th century ?
(Thread on MoQ-Discuss debating whether or not Johanna Climacus is the female nom-de-plume of David Lavery. No substitute for reading it and drawing your own conclusions. Anyway, one piece of education, Kierkegaard used Johannes Climacus as his own pseudonym / character.)
Control vs Freedom to Experiment
John Udell quoting Ray Ozzie about what we must all recognise as situation normal these days; Having better (more flexible) tools on our domestic PC than on an IT Dept controlled work PC, and the flexibility of being able to transfer results between machines via USB Memory Drives. We all do it.
Planning & control are anathema to progress. [See here][and here][and …]
A variation on fractals, these are strange attractor images. [via Apothecary]
Also via Apothecary – the Watermelon carving story. Now I geddit.
Open Your Wallet & Repeat After Me
Send us your money and we’ll save the world. Hmmmmmm says Rivets. Weird.
The Original Pragmatist
Jeremy Bentham came up yesterday. Louise led us through University College past the Jeremy Bentham room, past where his mummified body or “Auto-Icon” is generaly displayed [here’s why], but alas it was not there. See also [BenthamLinks][BenthamWorksOnLine]
Bentham (a contemporary of Blake, blogged below) coined “utilitarianism” as used by J.S.Mill, later evolved into “pragmatism”.
Economics of Love
[Mopsos][via ScaleFree] Anu was hooked by this quote “Ultimately, the economics of knowledge have something to do with the economics of love.”
What’s lurve got to do with it ? Well it’s the extreme end of implicit trust, and we all know trust is the number one item in information at the moment. Top level of the W3C model, FOAF and the bozo-bit to name a few examples. Without it there is no knowledge worth sharing.