Bush not all bad says Bono – Shock !

As Jorn says, this interview of Bono on meeting the great and the good makes interesting reading. About Dubya, he says “As a man, I believed him .. I believed him. Listen, I couldn’t come from a more different place, politically, socially, geographically, but … you don’t have to be harmonious on everything ” just one thing ” to get along with someone.”

The Other Michael Anderson

Lost touch with a Michael Anderson in Cambridge a couple of years ago, and keep getting cross hits from this different one. He’s involved with the Active Logic, Metacognitive Computation and Mind Research Group whose aim is “to design and implement common sense in a computer”.

Anyway the reason I captured the link, apart from an interest in the subject, is that I notice one of his forthcoming papers is co-authored with a certain Gregg Rosenberg – is that the same one to which I already have a link ? Yup it is, AI Centre at Georgia Univ, and author of “A Place For Consciousness“, which confusingly, but correctly I originally found referenced by someone whose surname was Gregg.

Weapon of Mass Reduction ?

” … an inquiry ought to be launched into exactly how he finds the time. Under all that pressure and stress, I’m sure most of the rest of us would end up looking like John Prescott … The public demands to know: what exactly is your weapon of mass reduction, … Tony ?” Says Hydragenic.

A man of my physique couldn’t possibly comment.

Patti Smith’s Meltdown

Interesting cultural extravaganza at the Festival Hall, London. As well as Patti hosting, there’s Billy Bragg, Sinead O’Connor, Yoko Ono, Marc Almond, Beth Orton and the works of Blake, Burroughs, Hendrix and Sontag, to name only a fraction. Thanks to qB at Frizzy for the tip off.

From Ancient Books to the Novel

I’m prompted here by a cross-search, that hit on a three year old post of mine referring to Sean Gould. Like me he’s a western engineer, and of a similar age, living in the far-east, in his case Thailand, and unlike myself, it seems he’s been there continuously for several years – his domain remains “.th” anyway (he doesn’t give away too much other personal info.) I only mention that preamble, because when I first linked to him, I noted the same aspects – an “amateur academic” with interest in philosophy and evolution beyond his “professional practitioner” remit. I must have said a hundred times myself, that “evolutionary psychology” appears to the core subject in explaining the world as we can know it, and interesting to see noted here too (with my Pirsig hat on) that he can explain the secular evolution of morality.

I’ve discussed with Chris at Enlightened Caveman – the drawbacks to getting yourself taken seriously and published from outside an academic arena. Well Sean has managed to get one book published and has a second on its way, both relating to a New Model for Evolution. Amateur no more ?

A Theory of Options
The Missing Algorithm

Both look interesting – the former has some serious reviews at Amazon, the latter reads convincingly in draft, even if I can’t yet claim to understand more than 10% of it from a brief read. If I get his point, he’s suggesting genes face a trade off in quantity of replication, vs (say) a greater quantity at lower fidelity. He uses his argument to explain “cooperative strategies” that “anticipate” change and increase survival flexibility. Of course since Dawkins, intentional language has dogged understanding of true genetic behaviour, and it’s no different here – caveat metaphor – as Sean says “genes of course, are inanimate; they do not want with intent to do anything. These [metaphors and algorithms] are only rules that help model how evolution works.” Very important not to forget that, as we well know.

Didn’t notice any memetic references – but one aspect of criticism of memetic models is the general lack of hi-fidelity in the copying. I wonder.

Shows what can be done, and who knows maybe the content really is valid or even as novel and important as it seems. More additions to my reading list.

Google Books Online

Blogged about this originally last year. For rare “out of copyright” books ditributed around the worlds major academic libraries you can see there is still an element of needing to “reward” those who’ve maintained custodianship, even if they have no publishing copyrights – but at the same time, would these books ever see widespread light of day, if an intiative like this didn’t scan them onto the web.

Perhaps a small subscription fee should be fed back to reward the institutions that allow this to happen. Provided all the actual cost is borne by the Google initiative, those institutions have no need for compensation, there would be negligible income from simply holding their copies in the current situation, would there ? It can only be win-win surely.

Film Classification

Puritan Dream Part III (or is it VI ?). We get the films we deserve says this review by Anthony Lane in the New Yorker. Break me a fucking give. Hold on, Kermit, run that past me one more time. Brilliant.

Thanks to Rivets for pointing it out, and for several other gems (obsessed with games and google maps at present), but this rang bells Clasification of Small Things, with a nod to E O Wilson. Reminded me I’d also just read this reference by Dana Boyd [Apophenia] to a Eureka article about categorisation being bad for your memory ?!? Must read and digest.

Good word by the way – apophenia. (Leading to a William Gibson Connection ?)
Related to synchronicity I guess.

How Did I Miss This ?

Following recent recovery from my 10 days of blog downtime, I’ve been browsing a few dozen blogs I’ve ignored recently – The Armadillo spoof of the spoof Amarillo. [via Johnny Moore]. As Johnny says “the joy of sharing” – what a heart warming story.

Johnny also picks up on this “Tie Down All Loose Objects Before Looping the Loop” – a genuine surprise moment if you’ve not seen it. [Via Adam Curry]