Dennett and the “Little People” #3

Here (#3) below is the David Hamill piece from the Free Thought Prophet blog that triggered the two … previous (#1) … posts (#2) as well as a lot of comments and tweets. Most of my earlier thoughts concerned the Jerry Coyne post given as a reference and the linked Dan Dennett Big Think video. … Continue reading “Dennett and the “Little People” #3″

MML – Me & My Languages

I’ve had actual language lessons in maybe four non-English foreign languages at various times, studied a couple more as a precursor to needing to learn them and looked-up some basic vocabulary in a couple more for travel reasons. More generally, I’ve taken longer term interest in etymology, particularly from Proto-Indo-European roots and sometimes Sanskrit sources as well … Continue reading “MML – Me & My Languages”

Incerto #5 – Skin in the Game

Skin in the Game (SITG) is the 5th Volume of @NNTaleb’s Incerto (work in progress), Incerto being the umbrella name for the @NNTaleb books, another “trilogy in five parts” it seems: Incerto: Fooled by Randomness – The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets (2004) The Black Swan – The Impact of the … Continue reading “Incerto #5 – Skin in the Game”

Literary Kicks – Archive Back to 1994

A blog I linked a couple of posts ago for the two-part post on Robert Pirsig and Post-Modernism has the only blog archive I’ve ever seen that stretches back further than my own! Back to 1994 (2001 in my case). Not even Jorn Barger / Robot Wisdom “the original blogger” has a such a continuous archive.

David Malone’s “Why Are We Here?”

Doumentary Series – Why Are We Here? In four parts. Blog background info here. Hat tip to David Morey for the links. The following is simply raw running notes of content topics. Almost whole scope of my own agenda and writings. David Malone has pretty much the same rational-atheist position as myself, though I didn’t know that … Continue reading “David Malone’s “Why Are We Here?””

Teal & the Spiral Model

Been picking-up links and hits on the blog that had me confused until today. Firstly several Spiral Model hits – presumably from Ken Wilber’s “Intergal” AQAL metaphysical ontology (dervived from Graves, Beck & Cohen) – then several colours including TEAL which at first I suspected to be another acronym, but then realised Teal just another Wilber colour … Continue reading “Teal & the Spiral Model”

What is Sam Harris game?

I blogged my own confusion about exactly what Sam Harris education was way back here, over a year ago. Reality is he’s an English major and a very clever writer. A bit like Pirsig “skating on thin ice” when writing about Zen having previously read only one book on the subject, later pursuing studies to cover his … Continue reading “What is Sam Harris game?”

Zen and the Art of Stoicism?

Hat tip to Massimo Pigliucci IIRC? As someone who’s first forays into philosophy were encouraged by Robert Pirsig I was intrigued to see the reference in this piece on Stoicism to Eugen Herrigel’s Zen and the Art of Archery, the work that prompted the form of Pirsig’s famous title. The Stoic philosopher Antipater is a … Continue reading “Zen and the Art of Stoicism?”