Levels of Ethical, Social, and Cognitive Competencies

Another holding post – simply to capture this Buddhistic David Chapman piece on Robert Kegan and Lawrence Kohlberg’s models of developing (evolving) intellectual competencies. (Hat tip to @MimeticValue for the link.) They look very much related to sorting out the missing aspects of Pirsig’s Social-Intellectual levels as I’ve tried to do here. (Three aspects within what Pirsig … Continue reading “Levels of Ethical, Social, and Cognitive Competencies”

Trivium 21c – First Thoughts

I’m reading Martin Robinson’s “Trivium 21c” – apparently propounding adoption of the classical Trivium for the 21st century, so far anyway. As is my wont, after a scan of contents and a read of introductory chapters I’m posting my early thoughts, so I can more honestly talk about new learning vs existing reinforcement later. First … Continue reading “Trivium 21c – First Thoughts”

Getting to Grips with Jordan Peterson

Time to get down to detail with Peterson. As I’ve said before I don’t know enough of his actual work to be a fan, but I do like his conversations. Constructive dialogue is my main agenda right now, especially when the alternative is people engaging in objective criticism invariably talking past each other. An exchange … Continue reading “Getting to Grips with Jordan Peterson”

Panrelationalism – Everything Comes in Threes

Triples, Triads or Trinities Every layered, taxonomic or network model of anything. 1D – The identity of every thing being distinct from not-this-thing and the distinction made. 2D – Levels or layers (in 2D orthogonal to any axis in n-dimensions, think onion-skins) come in threes. This layer, the next layer and the interface between the … Continue reading “Panrelationalism – Everything Comes in Threes”

Humanism Really is an Organised Religion

Humanism really is an organised religion, which is no bad thing. With any luck, an enlightened one. [Placeholder] ===== pic.twitter.com/H6cDPQoCNE — St Atheist 🌈🇦🇺 (@StaunchA) April 10, 2018 Mockery is not a good look, but many a true word spoken in jest – growing-up / twice-born / enlightened. And this thread for inspiration seed-crystal: .@lindsayvandijk … Continue reading “Humanism Really is an Organised Religion”


So far I’ve only seen the Simon Sharma first excellent episode of BBC2’s Civilisations, but plan on catching up. This morning I read Kenan Malik’s review piece from the Observer, and right now I’m listening to all three presenters with Andrew Marr on BBC R4 Start the Week. Malik’s excellent piece sees a lot of … Continue reading “Civilisations”

The Fate of Evil Genius?

There are so many points at which David Lavery’s sources on thinking and writing touch mine, that I need to remind myself that it might be no coincidence. I suspect I picked-up a lot of references from reading an on-line draft of his “Evil Genius” back in 2004, though I know a lot more about … Continue reading “The Fate of Evil Genius?”

Management is Much More Than a Science

Management is Much More Than a Science – is the title of the HBR piece tweeted by Tom Peters. “Must read”–an overused term. But this one really is a … MUST READ. “Why Management Needs Philosophers” https://t.co/ozyQuCm9We — Tom Peters (@tom_peters) October 17, 2017 The 2001 version of my own Manifesto here on Psybertron contained this … Continue reading “Management is Much More Than a Science”