Zen and the Art of Philosophy

A review of: “How The World Thinks – A Global History of Philosophy” by Julian Baggini All my reviews are done in the context of my own philosophical journey and often, like this one, a review done very early on in the reading, so that my own prejudices are laid bare for later analysis and … Continue reading “Zen and the Art of Philosophy”

Myles Better

Myles Power is an “internet nerd” with a real job. By day (or night, depending on his shifts) he’s a chemist working in an industrial lab (taking money from big business – yeah, he knows). In his spare time his podcast battles conspiracy theories on all fronts with the best research and analysis he can … Continue reading “Myles Better”

Street Epistemology Update

Dave Harding posted on a recent Magnabosco filmed SE session. (Update in the sense that I posted on these earlier examples 3 years or so ago.) These are rough notes in preparation for a dialogue. SE = Street Epistemology SM = Socratic (Questioning) Methodology Interesting that David concludes this subject actually questions him back, as I … Continue reading “Street Epistemology Update”

Schrödinger – What is Life? / Mind and Matter

Working my way through a number of perennial philosophy references provided by Bruce Adam, initially in response to my “After the Fireworks” Pirsig piece, and some subsequent posts. In fact I already collected most of the links in the “Perennialism” post. I have the Clifford and J S Haldane materials ready to read. Bruce also … Continue reading “Schrödinger – What is Life? / Mind and Matter”

“UNEASY RIDER” by George Steiner

“UNEASY RIDER” George Steiner, The New Yorker, 15th April 1974 The first review of  Robert M. Pirsig “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” Told by the blurb that we have here “one of the most unique and exciting books in the history of American letters,” one bridles both at the grammar of the claim … Continue reading ““UNEASY RIDER” by George Steiner”

If Something’s Missing, Just Write It.

David Harding is an on-line acquaintance – (since met in person) – who shares my interest in Robert Pirsig’s  Metaphysics of Quality (MoQ). Recently he posted his own personal story on his Quality Metaphysics web-pages. There are several important parallels – and differences – with my own story, and with Pirsig’s too. The main trajectory starts … Continue reading “If Something’s Missing, Just Write It.”


I said, when reading Aldous Huxley back in 2007, that I was having trouble seeing the wood for the trees – what specific points Huxley was making – even though it was already a given that some kind of perennial philosophy is what we are dealing with in real life. Since before then my approach is … Continue reading “Perennialism”

After the Fireworks

8th July 1968 was a Monday 50 years ago when Robert Pirsig set off from the Twin Cities on his Honda CB77 Superhawk with son Chris riding pillion and friends John and Sylvia Sutherland alongside on their BMW. That road trip to California formed the narrative of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (ZMM). You … Continue reading “After the Fireworks”