The kind of science reporting that drives me spare, but some interesting content about evolutionary possibilities …. science experts say that shit could happen, Brits too 😉
Virtual Values
When your world is largely virtual, can your values be sufficiently real ?
Left Brain / Right Brain
News story picking up on article in Neuropsychology, about quick thinking and coordination of left-handers. All grist to the left / right brain story.
Terrorism meets Journalism
Even older piece blogged by the BBC’s Nick Robinson late last year. Journalist meets terrorist, and changes the world.
Managerial Genes ?
Old question, some new thoughts. Are leaders born or created ? Leadership innate or learned ?
Fractal Food
As you may have spotted, I’m catching up on a backlog of old links.
Love this collection of images of food, that thoroughly confuse the perpective of scale, and I have a general interest in how fractals play in the world.
Natural Disentanglement of Air
Interesting metaphor. When analysing (separating) things that are entangled (interconnected in a complex way), rather than focussing on one component at a time and separating it out – let a bit of “air” into the (holes in the) whole problem.
Decision Rationality
Interesting, if light-hearted Beeb magazine article here from Valentine’s Day. Some good anecdotal examples of a well worn adage – decision rationality is action irrationality (and vice-versa).
Aside – “There’s no-one so easy to rob of their culture as those who don’t know they’ve got one.” – quote from today’s “Thinking Allowed” on the subject of destructive urban planning & renewal.
Backing Winners ?
Not seen “No Country for Old Men” yet, but saw “There Will be Blood” last week and “Michael Clayton” last night.
“There Will be Blood” – interesting documentary of cynical exploitation and life-threatening risks in pioneering oil industry. As well as the two great characters – Daniel Day-Lewis and the young preacher (is he his twin ?) – there is the excellent moody discordant soundtrack and cinematography, particularly early on, wonderful big-country scenery, and an unexpectedly gorey conclusion (the clue is in the title BTW). Worth seeing.
“Michael Clayton” is simply a great thriller / mystery plotline well acted, with lots of messy slow-paced real-life background behind the old main plot of big-bad-business in litigation gets its come-uppance. The George Clooney eponymous lead and supporting Tilda Swinton (stress) and Sydney Pollack (calm) all convincing. Tom Wilkinson’s “eccentric” role suited the Brit, (who’s really mad here ?) but unfortuately his accent doesn’t quite cross the Atlantic. The format – starting from a scene that is 80% through the plotline, explicitly flipping back 4 days to the start and then running through to the end – creates some clever confusion. Why did he get out his car ? Was he lying when he said he hadn’t had a drink / bet in weeks ? Anyway some original twists, in an otherwise old plot. Again, definitely worth seeing, for the characters and their predicaments.