Street Epistemology – a curate’s egg.

I attended Bill Flavell giving a presentation Wednesday night on “Street Epistemology” at CLHG. One way or another epistemology is the topic of my blog these last 15 years, and using epistemology to create ontologies for business information models has been my day job for maybe 25 so far, so epistemology (and cladistic taxonomies) I know … Continue reading “Street Epistemology – a curate’s egg.”

Chips With Everything – Learning from the Computation Game

Introduction [Work in Progress – 2015 Version] One way or another computers are ubiquitous in 21st century life. Everything has a chip in it, every device has some programming interface, – every game (or even every motor car it seems) has a “cheat” code, and the “Internet of Things” (IoT) is soon upon us. The … Continue reading “Chips With Everything – Learning from the Computation Game”

Galileo’s Middle Finger by Alice Dreger – A Preview

As promised, I’ve obtained and started reading Alice Dreger’s recent (2015) personal account of mis-directed politics both in science and in its place in society. Clearly very much within my own agenda, so as I often do, I like to post a preview of my first impressions and (my own) prejudices, it ensures any eventual … Continue reading “Galileo’s Middle Finger by Alice Dreger – A Preview”

Economics – in Theory

I left my review of Paul Mason at his revelation that Karl Marx is to be our saviour. Not a bombshell that Mason has serious left leanings. Even as a journalist he’s always worn his heart on his sleeve supporting the financially underpowered – most recently in doggedly sticking up for the Greeks against the … Continue reading “Economics – in Theory”

Love puts the “catholicus” in Catholic. @godless_mom @almostorthodoxy

There’s a research avenue I keep mentioning but still haven’t followed-up closely; that of “intellectuals” adopting Catholicism late in life. Some kind of dawning of “wisdom”. I think I last mentioned it when I (again) noticed this Francis Bacon quote in Nick Spencer’s book: “a little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy bringeth … Continue reading “Love puts the “catholicus” in Catholic. @godless_mom @almostorthodoxy”

Humanism With or Without Christian Belief in God? @TheosNick @_CFIUK @BHAHumanists

Listened to Beyond Belief BBC R4 broadcast Sun 24th May on iPlayer this morning. It featured Stephen Law (@_CFIUK), Nick Spencer (@TheosNick), Marylin Mason (BHA) – with a brief inserted piece from Rory Fenton (also of the BHA) – in conversation with Ernie Rea. Stephen and Marylin’s stories are similar to mine. Naturally atheist, yes, but that’s … Continue reading “Humanism With or Without Christian Belief in God? @TheosNick @_CFIUK @BHAHumanists”

Atheists, the Origin of the Species #TheosSheldrake @Theosthinktank

Had an interesting evening Thursday, listening to Rupert Sheldrake (again) at Theos, the Christian religious think-tank (for the first time), and having the opportunity to question and talk with him and with other Theos members. Also acquired a copy of Nick Spencer’s “Atheists, the Origin of the Species“; more on which later. [Post Note : Full … Continue reading “Atheists, the Origin of the Species #TheosSheldrake @Theosthinktank”

Values and humanist Values? Give us a good book. @acgrayling @LondonHumanists @SamiraAhmedUK #clhgtalk

Listened to A C Grayling talk to the Central London Humanist Group last night at Conway Hall. He’s a favourite speaker because he is such a good talker, drawing on deep knowledge of the history of philosophy since the greeks, interspersed with anecdotes from real life politics and stories from classic literature. All done naturally without slides … Continue reading “Values and humanist Values? Give us a good book. @acgrayling @LondonHumanists @SamiraAhmedUK #clhgtalk”