Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms

“Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms – Journeys into the Disappearing Religions of the Middle East” is a 2014 book by Gerard Russell. The Yazidi Peacock Angel (c) Tawûsê Melek Rory Stewart provides the foreword. Like Rory, Gerard was a British officer and diplomat in the region and, like T E Lawrence before them, their knowledge comes … Continue reading “Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms”

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance 2024

Next year, 2024 is the 50th Anniversary of the publication of Robert Pirsig’s seminal work. That rhetorical, biographical and philosophical novel is woven around the real motorcycle trip as Bob & son Chris and John & Sylvia Sutherland headed out west across the US from Minneapolis on 8th July (1968). If you follow ZMMQuality on … Continue reading “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance 2024”

Gap between Technical Specialisms & Systems Thinking

Just a quick holding post to capture the link. Hat tip to Kevin Mitchell for sharing this 15 minute “Lightning Talk” by Johannes (Yogi) Jaeger It’s short but I’ve only skimmed first few mins. Already loving it. Don’t know any more about Ronin Community or Vienna Uni Philosophy, but I see Templeton sponsorship. Evolutionary Systems … Continue reading “Gap between Technical Specialisms & Systems Thinking”

Is Dennett an Illusionist?

No, he does not say that “Consciousness is an Illusion”. End of. In a sentence: Dennett’s position is that: Consciousness and conscious will are as real and evolved as anything else in the world. The powerful (useful, but misleading) ILLUSION is the Cartesian theatre / video screen with the homunculus viewer / user as things … Continue reading “Is Dennett an Illusionist?”

Quality in Mastery – Draft

Had tip to David Matos over at ZMMQuality on Facebook, for spotting this review by Steven Mintz on Adam Gopnik’s “The Real Work: On the Mystery of Mastery” The reviewer spots the great parallel with Pirsig’s “Quality” work, which is not actually mentioned by Gopnik. Mintz also spots the parallel with Richard Sennett’s “The Craftsman” … Continue reading “Quality in Mastery – Draft”

Quality on the Road Again

As well as his use of religious language throughout – bible, gospel, god(s) – we can forgive J R Patterson’s focus on long-distance motorcycling since, like Robert Pirsig, he too is a writer “with dirt under his fingernails”. In his latest piece, “The Biker’s Bible” published in New Humanist, he compares notes of his own … Continue reading “Quality on the Road Again”

Vervaeke and Henriques

Picking up from the previous post, where I’d picked-up an apparent mapping between Pirsig and a model combining Vervaeke and Henriques, I’ve been looking at some specific recommended sources – what is it they specifically bring to the party? Vervaeke I know in so far as he has a whole Patreon-sponsored YouTube series called “Awakening … Continue reading “Vervaeke and Henriques”

The Eyes in Kant’s Head

Hat tip to Anita Leirfall – who, we discovered quite randomly, lived just a few doors away from where Sylvia and I lived in Oslo – quite randomly posting a link to a 2021 edition of BBC Radio 4 “In Our Time” on Kant. Kant’s Copernican Revolution | In Our Time Melvyn Bragg and guests … Continue reading “The Eyes in Kant’s Head”