Nominalism as “Mechanical Philosophy”

In resisting overly mechanistic world-views, the idea of a mechanical philosophy is a scary thought. But it got my attention, as Stuart Glennan intended in the title of his “The New Mechanical Philosophy” reviewed by Carl Craver in the BJPS Review of Books. Hat tip to retweet by Judy Stout. A scary thought “mechanical philosophy” … Continue reading “Nominalism as “Mechanical Philosophy””

Living Wisely is the Real Good

Leland (Lee) Beaumont has been corresponding with several of us for more than a decade in dialogue about what we mean by practical wisdom and where more formal ideas about knowledge should fit in. A little constructive synthesis amidst all the dialectical debates between right and wrong, good and bad, science and religion, the daily … Continue reading “Living Wisely is the Real Good”

Social Media “Ripping Society Apart”

I posted a holding post last month when Sean Parker – founding president of Facebook – publicised his concerns at the monster they had created and linked to a few other sources I’d gathered. I see in the last couple of days Chamath Palihapitiya a former VP of Facebook added fuel to that same fire. I’ve said … Continue reading “Social Media “Ripping Society Apart””

Laland’s Unfinished Opus

I’ve already made two somewhat dismissive references to Kevin Laland’s “Darwin’s Unfinished Symphony – How Culture Made the Human Mind”(1). This is a review on completion of that read. [Post Note: I see Massimo Pigliucci’s book club review of Darwin’s Unfinished Symphony came out a few days before I posted this. I need to read that … Continue reading “Laland’s Unfinished Opus”

Kevin Laland’s Unfinished Darwinian Business

I’m reading Kevin Laland’s “Darwin’s Unfinished Symphony – How culture made the human mind“. There’s two reasons I’m reading it but firstly, the one reason I’m posting now before I’m very far into it. Since all readings and reviews are prejudiced by prior understanding and expectations, I prefer to be honest up front what those … Continue reading “Kevin Laland’s Unfinished Darwinian Business”

#Brexit Negotiations Stalemate? The Way Out.

Can’t help feeling a take on the current stalemate is being missed. (I’m a strong remainer, and see continuing with #Brexit as a damage-limitation / opportunity-maximisation exercise. Referenda? Don’t get me started. But rather than be that bystander wanting to start from somewhere else, surely the best route out of this mess is obvious:) That … Continue reading “#Brexit Negotiations Stalemate? The Way Out.”

AI Hype – Pale Imitation of Intelligence in Prospect.

The Conversation here on the place of understanding in AI – effectively defining AI as not involving understanding. That is Intelligence Without Understanding. Not intelligence in my book, mere competence in Dennett terms, but here Sandis and Harper are suggesting there would be too many snags if “AI” did have understanding, that it would be … Continue reading “AI Hype – Pale Imitation of Intelligence in Prospect.”

Kantian Introduction

Somewhere on the shelf behind me, I do have Critique of Pure Reason but I was pretty inexperienced in philosophy, 15 years or so ago, when I first (and last) tried to read it. I didn’t get very far. Which doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate Kant’s significance, just that I’ve formed my views on Kant from … Continue reading “Kantian Introduction”