Reminded me of “Outa my brain on the 9:15” as great rock choruses go. Howl were just what I needed, after a great day at work, a surprisingly good gig at Oslo Garage, chosen by the sticking a pin in the gig list method. Conventional 6-piece probably 2 more than really necessary I guess, with two guitars plus keyboard, bass and drums, and a Jaggeresque / Mercuriesque strutting front-man. Proved very effective, no messing 70’s / 80’s rock, with a local audience supporting a local band. (Interesting mix of Gibson-Firebird, 335 and f-hole ? / Fender-Jaguar and Tele / Gretsch / Rickenbacker guitars, a great bassist and a Jason Statham lookalike with excellent harmony vocals on the drums.)
But one gig wasn’t enough, so I wandered round to Revolver to find The Bloody Hollies just starting their set. Even less messing, pre-punk – Dictators style – in just the right kinda intimate venue all that way from their California home, no one in the crowd more than ten feet from the band. So much noise from an SG-Junior. Still winding down here at 3am, watching Pink Floyd and Hamsters concert DVD’s for some reason – oh I know, the EMI court case. Funny how the mind works.
(San Diego CA based, but Buffalo NY natives apparently – who was that excellent Buffalo three piece ? Johnny Nobody, that’s who.)
(Post Note – Playing the HowL “Cold Water Music” CD to death at the moment – Oct 2011 – still excellent. No trace of the track with the “1975 I’m Alive” chorus … Switchblade Eyes (Controller) and To The Point outstanding, the former included in the FIFA2011 game sound-track !!! … and not sure in hindsight how Bloody Hollies – a three piece – reminded me of The Dictators, but hey.)