Dennett on IDC

Not read this yet. Thanks to Will Wilkinson for the link.

Worth reading, for Dennett’s writing style. Nice non-committal reference to the Cold Fusion case, as other scientists rushed to prove / disprove. He concludes with

“Since there is no content [in Intelligent Design Creationism], there is no “controversy” to teach about in biology class. But here is a good topic for a high school course on current events and politics: Is intelligent design a hoax? And if so, how was it perpetrated?”

I agree, what is much more interesting is how the acceptance of ideas like IDC spread through a culture.

Oh All Right, Another One

Post from Jorn about disaster response planning (also referring to the HuffPo post), which includes an important point for me about hindsight, and reliable ways of spotting vulnerabilities that need to be addressed in advance.

He says “I suspect the skill that this sort of foresight requires is rare and unfamiliar to most people, and especially to bureaucrats. It seems to me much more like the novelist’s skill …”

Hear, hear. Archetypal “bureaucrats” deal in logic and facts, whereas the world really deals in quality.

OK, Just One More Jorn

On Jorn’s new blog, a typically thoughtful lefty Bush (NeoCon) bashing piece, which picks up on spin as meme-creation. Using Cheney’s post 9/11 “Liberals wanted to give al-Qaeda therapy” quote, he says it’s that perfect 1% true. Interestingly it is an admission that “we” have to play “their” game. Personally I’m not into us and them conspiracies, but it does show that we all actually must play or at least understand the meme game.

More Jorn !

Wow, Jorn has a new blog “Robot Wisdom Auxiliary” or RWX for short. Here he can post his longer posts, RW itself being the tersest of link gathering formats. Presumably RW will always link to RWX. Blogger too, rather than home grown. Interesting development.

Jorn’s range of stuff remains mind-boggling. Last one for now, but loved this set of Vogue “Alice in Wonderland” fashion pix.

Intellectual Integrity is Catching

As well as the current spats in MoQ-Discuss about hoaxes, honesty, motives, rights and freedoms, I see Mark Federman over at the McLuhan Program’s “What is the Message” has had to move to a new private blog “What is the (Next) Message” in oder to voice his own opinions. “So Long and Thanks for All the Fish” he says.

Even in well aligned constituencies of common interest, it remains important that the personal and common voices are clearly ring-fenced.

And I see Mark’s new blog continues to move in the same circles as Psybertron. Sam recently passed me The Onion’s “Intelligent Falling” link in a comment thread below. I say satire is good, provided the motives are honest.

Must update my side-bar link.