Ready, Fire, Aim

Ready, Fire, Aim. Picked up on this Tom Peters’ adage several times before as the antidote to the rational ready, aim, fire approach to planning. This link is the conlcuding chapter of this Rand Organisation paper “Seeking Nontraditional Approaches to Collaborating and Partnering with Industry” aimed at US Army business needs.

Liked this [Quote] The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. [Unquote] ? Arthur C. Clarke, Profiles of the Future.

When More Means Less

When More Means Less. David Walker’s Analysis in today’s Grauniad. On the theme of not being conned by measuring only the things that are easy to count, and the value of managing more subjective measures. Specifically in relation to evaluating value-for-money in civil service context, but part of that general subject again.

Re-usable “Paper”

Re-usable “Paper”. Blogged earlier link. Didn’t spot this “social life of paper” link from Malcolm Gladwell before though [Stuart’s Henshall’s previous link.] This is an interesting subject if you’re in an industry where the take-up of electronic “devices” seems to be lagging behind possibilities. People are very attached to the paper paradigm, for very good reasons. Makes you think about the way people really interact with information, and what information really means to them.

Stuart is gathering quite a collection of thoughts and links on this subject.

Extra-Specially Weird

Extra-Specially Weird. Often browse Rivets for amusement (and general education) around some of the more strange (and wonderful) things the web throws up, without straying into the downright perverted or pornographic, often without any particular reason to link to anything on-topic as far as my blog is concerned, but Lindsay Marshall’s own caption sums up this extra-specially weird weirdo.

Data as Narrative

Data as Narrative. Post from Gary Murphy on advogato referreing to David Gelernter’s New York Times piece. Can’t see the original piece from here (need my NYT account details !), but it describes “scopeware“.

Basic point is organising (and persisting) data sets (files) accoring to things like mime-types or source technology types, is much less relevant than the “narrative” in which the information content is involved. The narrative sequence provides much better context for the “semantic intent” and purpose of the information. Too true.

Relevance vs Orthodoxy

Relevance vs Orthodoxy. A bit of a whinge by someone who didn’t get the job at Harvard Business School, [via Seb Paquet], but that same subject again ….

Orthodoxy – classical reasoning, logical positivism – just doesn’t cut the mustard in real human / social / organisational / business life. In fact it’s almost irrelevant unless you’re an accountant. Yes, irrelevant. Good spot Seb.

The article is worth a further read.


Saw The Cooper Temple Clause blow Black Rebel Motorcycle Club away, supporting them at the Cambridge Corn Exchange last night.

TCTC may be a bunch of poseurs, but they had variety and imagination on their side. Great bass performance, and slick changes and finishes showed them well rehearsed and experienced on the road. BRMC started promising, with a Dylanesque acoustic plus harmonica opening couple of numbers, building into their heavier vein by the third number, but after that … they were stuck in that groove from the second bar of every number with equally unimaginative staccato back-lighting throughout. Guitarist playing for the sympathy vote with his hand in a plaster-cast didn’t add to the quality either.

Attitude to Change

Attitude to Change. Paper by Allan Jacobsen [via s.norrie]. Very much the subject of my own dissertation. Interesting observations on pejorative linguistics used by those involved as agents or objects of change. Usual stormin’, normin’ curve, vicious / virtuous cycles. Kirkegaard and Machiavelli in the reference list.