Category: Uncategorized
The End Of Change
The End of Change
Extract of book by Arthur D.Little people Peter Scott Morgan, Erik Hoving, Arnoud van der Slot, and Henk Smit.
Uses Pyramid, Cube, Cylinder & Sphere analogies in the obligatory Boston Consulting Group 2×2 grid to charaterise different organisation styles affecting change processes – (How easy is it to move one of these shapes in any given direction, and what profile would that change have ?). Intended as an antidote to change fatigue, where constant stream of “new initiatives” is ultimately self-defeating. Suggests exploiting organisational culture to embed the appropriate style of flexibility, learning and motivation for improvement and innovation. (Cf MBA dissertation on this subject.)
Digital Web Magazine
Digital Web Magazine The web designer’s online magazine of choice (sic).
What Good Is Information Architecture Anyway ?
What Good is Information Architecture Anyway?
Jan 22, 2002 Blog entry from Louis Rosenfeld
with some discussion & feedback too.
Thinking For A Living
Thinking For A Living
“Quantity begets quality. If you want to find the answer, ask as many questions as possible first”
“Genius is the ability to edit.” – Charlie Chaplin quoted from
Thinking For A Living: Creating Ideas That Revitalize Your Business, Career & Life – by Joey Reiman, summarised in The Creative Process of Ideation, published on Brand Era Readings, spotted by Blog Thinking Around the Corners
[Reminds me of the workplace cartoon – “I can’t stop to think just now, I’m working”.]
Clifford (A) Pickover
Clifford A. Pickover’s Home Page
Prolific mystic science author with impressive collection of fractal graphics to boot.
(Also part of “The Infinite Fractal Loop”)
Fractal Art Showcase
Marius Watz’s SITOme
Fractal Art Showcase
Monkey Thoughts Move Cursor
Monkey Moves Computer Cursor by Thoughts Alone
By E.J. Mundell NEW YORK (Reuters Health)
It may seem like science fiction, but scientists say they have developed a technology that enables a monkey to move a cursor on a computer screen simply by thinking about it.
Semi-Annual Voice-Recognition-Bashing
News: Voice recognition: Another dead end
John Dvorak of ZD News / PC Magazine.
“Semi-annual voice-recognition-bashing” says Jorn
One Man (Ev) And His Blog(ger)
A Tale of One Man and his Blog
It is not often you can say a website has changed the face of the web,
and had an impact far beyond the confines of its own domain
Blogger has revolutionised personal websites.
Now Ev Williams, its only member of staff tells, Neil McIntosh
it’s time to take blogging to the next stage
The Guardian Thursday January 31, 2002
Library Resources
Blog capturing thoughts on new-age librarianship
T J Sondermann, MLIS at University of Rhode Island