Séb Paquet is doing a survey on the usefulness of weblogs and wikis for sharing knowledge.
If you like John Cleese and Philosophy try this link (also from Seb’s site)
What, Why & How do we Know ?
Séb Paquet is doing a survey on the usefulness of weblogs and wikis for sharing knowledge.
If you like John Cleese and Philosophy try this link (also from Seb’s site)
Sam Goldwyn Quotes [via Curry]
[Quote] I don’t want any yes-men around me. I want everybody to tell me the truth even if it costs them their jobs. [Unquote] and [Quote] I had a monumental idea this morning, but I didn’t like it.[Unquote]
Motivation. Not his main point, but an interesting (possibly apochryphal ?) story from Cringley. [Quote] If you are in the asynchronous logic field, you know who Rajit is. He had a knack for the stuff, that’s for sure. He understood it in a native way that nobody else did at the time, which made chip design, if not effortless for him, say a thousand times easier than it was for the otherwise equally smart guy down the hall. Rajit was a one-man asynch design lab, and both Intel and Sun wanted very much to hire him, though neither ever did. Both companies were unable or unwilling to provide the kind of motivation Rajit required — cats and chocolate. Most likely, they couldn’t even imagine an engineer unmotivated by stock or money, which are the normal currencies of recruitment. Cats and chocolate would have been cheaper, of course, but they didn’t bother to learn enough about the guy to know how to attract him. Today Rajit — smart as ever — teaches at Cornell, which must be chockablock with cats and chocolate. Or maybe it has just the normal levels of each and an absence of crazy product deadlines. [Unquote] [Main topic is chip speeds and the control of the PC marketplace.]
Introductory A-Life Reading List. Last one from Jorn for now. How does he find ’em. (More comprehensive list here too.)
A Million PhD’s ? Another one via Jorn. Love him really. Could do with that $100,000 funding myself.
US Scientists Claim. Yeah Yeah, Yadda Yadda. From BBC [via Jorn]. Cynical, Moi ? Two (any number of) points make a trend – I think not – which doesn’t mean it’s not true of course – Catch 22.
Lies, Damn Lies. Nike PR deceptions, from Common Dreams, [via Jorn]. If everybody had to tell the truth, someone would have to decide what the truth actually is. Easier to stick to the rituals we all know. Caveat Emptor.
More on Quines. Still intrigued about Quines (even though I still don’t know why it’s relevant here – ever experience just knowing it is ? – Nash / Beautiful Mind – see earlier). Miscoranda gave me the original link. This new link eventually leads to the classic ACM Turing Award lecture by Ken Thompson.
I can see the self-replicating aspect relevant to genetics / evolution, learning / AI and to trojan horse viruses. Something which (in data) contains something defining it’s function (in code). Something akin to RDF here – subject / predicate stuff – content and intent – intension and extension ? I give in for now.
Interesting interview with Ken Thompson under the circumstances. [Quote] … simple yet powerful … see primitives and recognize their power to build structures …. When I see a top-down description of a system or language that has infinite libraries described by layers and layers, all I just see is a morass … interesting conversations, where two people think they are talking to each other but they’re not. They just miss, like two ships in the night … words …. meaning different things to both sides … PAC is vastly superior to MP3 … nobody who actually uses computers today knows what an operating system interface is … the same thing with Microsoft: Until something comes along that makes them irrelevant, the entry fee is too difficult and they won’t be displaced …. Anybody who says there’s no more innovation in the world is doomed …. why on earth travel to Russia to fly a Mig-29 ? …. How often does the Soviet Union collapse? It Who wouldn’t do that? When things like that come along, I’ll take them. They’re fun. [Unquote]
Repurposing ? From Sean B Palmer [miscoranda], a quote from Tim BL under his “Aphorisms” list.
[Quote] If you say what you mean rather than what you want done with it, you can repurpose it so much better. [Unquote]
Not sure I agree with this one as stated, but there is something in the spirit. Dennett’s Intentional Stance suggests (as I do) that “intention” or “motive” is a key aspect of “meaning” whenever anybody issues a communication. The important thing would seem to be to ensure that the original intent is captured with the record, rather than being the content of the record.
Aug 30 1964, The Beatles met Bob Dylan and smoked their first joint. [via Jorn] Hmmm.