Thinking Systems Thoughts

Gary’s ISSS Mini Symposium (Talk) 29 June 2024 Everything can be seen as organised systems that are part of greater wholes. (Organised in terms of functional relations – systemic interconnectedness). Everywhere and everything. We see complexity and confusion that can be organised as a learning system. Complex Adaptive Systems as “Learning Organisation” (Argyris & Schon)? … Continue reading “Thinking Systems Thoughts”

Brief History of Systems Thinking

I formed my own view of how Systems Thinking came to be the umbrella term for what I’m about, and I can be quite dismissive of the choice of labelling given to different approaches and methodologies – which always feel like selling different commercial education and consultancy offerings. And when reading and researching about the … Continue reading “Brief History of Systems Thinking”

Hypocrisy – In Bad Faith

Hypocrisy has been a formal topic of mine since my late-1980’s / early-90’s days (Brunsson, Argyris, Action Theory, et al). Great Point of View “On Hypocrisy” by Will Self this morning, pointing out two key things. (1) Hypocrisy is an essential / inevitable / necessary part of social order in a functioning civilised society, but … Continue reading “Hypocrisy – In Bad Faith”

Action Research Reloaded

Been reading a fascinating 2015 paper co-authored by @DrSarahEaton and shared recently on Twitter. PROFESSIONAL COLLABORATION AS RESPONSIVE PEDAGOGY Fascinating for me on two levels. Firstly in seeing that the Argyris “double-loop” learning process (aka Action Research), which I explored in my late-1980’s Master’s, has been taken up and evolved in many creative learning contexts … Continue reading “Action Research Reloaded”